- Brown Trout by Raul San MartinSKU: D1153Watercolor; 13" x 18 1/2. Dated '64. Originally purchased from Abercrombi and Fitch Co., New York. Well framed and matted. PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: New York, United StatesSIZE: 13" x 18 1/2"; Frame$1,500
- Setter and a Pointer in a Field by Thomas Dalton BeaumontSKU: D1133_JF(1867 - 1930) Oil on Canvas; 32" x 20". In original Frame. PERIOD: Early 19th CenturyORIGIN: Ohio, United StatesSIZE: 32" x 20" Frame 39" x 28"50% off$750$1,500
- Pair of Hooked Fish Watercolors by William B. GilletteSKU: D0512(1864 - 1937) Matched set of watercolors by William B. Gillette. Both depicting both hooked fish and signed W. B. Gillette 1897. One is a pike, the other a small mouthed bass. Professionally framed with quadruple matting and expensive artistic frames. Both images 15 1/2" x 9 1/2". PERIOD: Late ...$4,500
- "Setters Afield" Oil PaintingSKU: U469Unsigned oil on board; 9" x 7". After the style of Arnolt - could be his? Original frame. PERIOD: Late 19th Century ORIGIN: East, United StatesSIZE: 9" x 17"$2,500
- Two Way Stretch by Walter M. BaumhoferSKU: O501(1904 - 1987) Original watercolor; 6" x 9 1/2". From the archives of the Murphy "Calendar" Company. Well listed early illustrator "picked up" for Hy Hintermeister and Emmett Watson - continuing their calendar series. Walter was an American illustrator notable for his cover paintings seen on the ...$2,500
- Hanging Game PaintingsSKU: C0483Pair of early hanging game paintings. One with ruffed grouse, the other canvasbacks. Oil on board; 16 1/2" x 27 1/2". Signed A. Fortny. Period quarter sawn oak frames with gold liners. PERIOD: Late 19th Century ORIGIN: East, United StatesSIZE: 16 1/2" x 27 1/2"$5,500
- Hanging Game Oil PaintingsSKU: O456Pair of hanging game paintings both oil on canvas, 20" x 24" in original match frames. Unsigned, well painted. We think last half 19th Century. European, cleaned and realigned prior to our acquisition. Priced as a pair. PERIOD: Last Half 19th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, EuropeSIZE: 20"x24"$8,000
- Llewellin SettersSKU: W257Unsigned oil on board. 20" x 24". PERIOD: Last Half 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, UnknownSIZE: 20" x 24"; Frame 34" x 30"53% off$700$1,500
- Hanging Ruffs by Adam LehrSKU: A0067American 1853-1924. Oil on board. 22"x19" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Ohio, United StatesSIZE: Frame 24" x 27"$3,500
- Pointers In A FieldSKU: A0002(1909-1988) Oil on canvas; 26"x36". Pointers In A Field by Charles N Hawes. PERIOD: First Half 20th Century ORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 26" x 36"; Frame 34"x43"$3,500
- Greenwing Teal and WoodcockSKU: V334Oil on canvas; 10" x 16". Unsigned. Still life with catch of game birds - Greenwing teal and woodcock. Original frame (a little folky). PERIOD: Late 19th Century ORIGIN: Northeast, United StatesSIZE: 10" x 16"; Frame 15" x 20"$2,000
- Dawn's Promise by Ross YoungSKU: YR2Oil on canvas; 20" x 24". The art of Ross Young has been described as painterly and forthright, a true expression of the places and sports he knows so well. The oil paintings he creates are intended to take you to places as diverse as the grouse woods of Maine, trout streams of the Rockies, west ...$3,300
- Salmon Fishing by Milt WeilerSKU: W645(1910 - 1974) Watercolor; 8" x 12". As a dedicated sportsman Weiler was an illustrator for the Derrydale Press, Sports Afield Life, and the Abercrombie & Fitch catalogs. PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: New York, United StatesSIZE: 8"x12" Frame 12" x 16"$3,500
- A Lucky Strike by H.A. DriscoleSKU: N1000C(1861 - 1923). Oil on canvas; 13" x 18". Original frame. H.A. Driscole, the artist who painted the original picture of the illustration of brook trout shown in our front piece, has made a study of fish for artistic purposes for the past thirty seven years. He paints nothing else but fish and ...$7,000
- Hooked Pickerel by H.A. DriscoleSKU: L2277(1861 - 1923). Oil on masonite; 13" x 20". Well-listed sporting artist. H.A. Driscole, the artist who painted the original picture of the illustration of brook trout shown in our front piece, has made a study of fish for artistic purposes for the past thirty seven years. He paints nothing else ...$5,000
- Five on Point by Robert NewmanSKU: KK0303Oil on canvas board; 18" x 28". This one from a plantation in Cuba. Well-done sporting painting. PERIOD: 19th CenturyORIGIN: Cuba, CaribbeanSIZE: 18" x 28"; Frame 25" x 24"38% off$2,500$4,000
- Fly FishermanSKU: O340Oil on wood panel; 8" x 11". Signed but not identified American School. PERIOD: 19th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 8" x 11"; Frame 18" x 14"20% off$1,200$1,500
- In the Field by H. Turner BaileySKU: M981(1865 - 1931) Oil on canvas; 17 3/4" x 27 1/2". Solid walnut frame and stretcher bars. PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 17 3/4" x 27 1/2"$4,000
- "Trout by the Brook"SKU: K3000AStill life signed "A. F."; 23" x 14". Adirondack style. PERIOD: 19th CenturyORIGIN: Northeast, United StatesSIZE: 23" x 14" Frame 27" x 18"$4,000
- A Boy Fishing in a Calm Stream by Deidrich Henry GremkeSKU: P602(1860 - 1939). Oil on canvas; 22 1/2" x 33 1/2". Ex. Joseph Edward trust, San Francisco, CA. Painter, muralist, photographer, Gremke grew up in San Francisco and began art studies at the School of Design under Raymond Yelland. He specialized in watercolors and oil of the Sierra Nevada and highly ...$15,000
- Duck Hunter in a BoatSKU: A0321By W. Harlander, oil on canvas. Dated 1930. 24" x 30" PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: East, United StatesSIZE: 24" x 30"$3,000
- Trout Fisherman PaintingSKU: I155Pointillist style painting. Oil on canvas/board. 9"X12 1/2." Unsigned. Unusual use of colors in sky. "Nice." PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 9"x12 1/2"; Sign 15"x12"22% off$700$900
- "Two Men Lake Fishing" by Benton Henderson ClarkSKU: X653A(1895-1964). Gouache on paper, 7 1/2" x 12"; Eastern illustrator of the West. His influences were Harvey Dunn, Frank Hoffman and Remington. Clark illustrated for the leading magazines Saturday Evening Post, McCall's Cosmopolitan, and Good Housekeeping. Well listed. PERIOD: 20th CenturyORIGIN: ...50% off$1,000$2,000
- "Hunting with Pair of Setters" by Benton Henderson ClarkSKU: X652(1895-1964). Gouache on paper, 5 1/2" x 10 1/2"; Eastern illustrator of the West. His influences were Harvey Dunn, Frank Hoffman and Remington. Clark illustrated for the leading magazines Saturday Evening Post, McCall's Cosmopolitan, and Good Housekeeping. Well listed. PERIOD: Mid 20th ...60% off$1,000$2,500
- "Quail Hunting" by Benton Henderson ClarkSKU: X651(1895-1964). Gouache on paper, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"; Eastern illustrator of the West. His influences were Harvey Dunn, Frank Hoffman and Remington. Clark illustrated for the leading magazines Saturday Evening Post, McCall's Cosmopolitan, and Good Housekeeping. Well listed. PERIOD: 20th ...60% off$1,000$2,500
- "Leaping Muskie" by Marge OptizSKU: K3304Watercolor; 15 1/2" x 20." Illustration appeared on cover of Field and Stream or Sports of the Field. Prolific illustrator. PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 15 1/2" x 20"; Frame 24" x 21"$3,500
- The HunterSKU: K290Oil on board. 11" x 17." Muskie after perch from Northern Minnesota signed W.P.B. PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: Minnesota, United StatesSIZE: 11" x 17"; Frame 21" x 15"$1,200
- "The Coeur d' Alene" by Grant NixonSKU: NG2North Idaho artist. Watercolor; 16" x 22". Well framed. PERIOD: ContemporaryORIGIN: Idaho, United StatesSIZE: 16" x 22"$1,200
- Startled by Nandor HorthySKU: Z105Oil painting on board of a dog flushing a grouse in the woods. 8" x 10". We acquired in Maine. PERIOD: 20th CenturyORIGIN: Maine, United StatesSIZE: 8" x 10"; Frame 16" x 18"$1,500
Original Sporting Paintings
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