- Hunter's BackpackSKU: KK0915RHunter's slat backpack with original canvas straps. Hand-carved notches, patina, and copper rivets. 16" x 26". PERIOD: Late 19th Century ORIGIN: West, United StatesSIZE: 16" x 26"18% off$450$550
- Hunter Made DecoysSKU: AJ0495_JDHunter made decoys. Pair of mismatched hunter made and painted decoys. Unmarked. Carver unknown. Came from New York State. PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: New York, United StatesSIZE: 11"L and 13"L50% off$150$300
- Blue Bill DecoySKU: AJ1338Blue Bill gunning decoy with glass eyes, one missing. Exceptional painted feathers. Assume hunter carved. Swinging weight intact. 12" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, CanadaSIZE: 12"33% off$200$300
- Bufflehead Decoy by Frank LewisSKU: AJ1332Somewhat primitive gunning bufflehead decoy by Frank Lewis. Glass eyes, much used. Frank was a repairman, sharpener and duck decoy maker in New York in the 1950s. 13" PERIOD: MId 20th CenturyORIGIN: New York, United StatesSIZE: 13"50% off$150$300
- Bluewing Teal Decoy by George BellSKU: AJ1331Bluewing teal decoy by George Bill. Signed on bottom "By George Bill Chrisfield, MD." Carved and decorative. Making a living on the bay as a waterman for five years, in the 90s George decided there must be something else he could do and started sanding decoys for Zack Ward, a relative of the ...50% off$150$300
- Gunning DecoySKU: AJ1334Carved balsa wood gunning decoy from the Northeast. Carver unknown. Assume hunter carved. 15" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Northeast, United StatesSIZE: 15"50% off$125$250
- Black Duck Decoy by Taylor HarwichSKU: AJ1328Primitive black duck decoy by Taylor Harwich, Mass, Circa 1880. A gunning decoy with shot holes. Staples on front and back, so was part of a rig. 16"L PERIOD: Late 19th CenturyORIGIN: Massachusetts, United StatesSIZE: 16"L50% off$125$250
- Gunning DecoySKU: AJ1339Carved and painted gunning decoy (bluebill?). Came from a Northeast collection. Carver unknown. Much used. 12" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Northeast, United StatesSIZE: 12"50% off$125$250
- Pintail Drake DecoySKU: AJ1322Pintail drake decoy with glass eyes. Well painted. Not sure if decoy or decorator. From a Northeast collection. No weights. 17" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Northeast, United StatesSIZE: 17"50% off$125$250
- Vintage Bear Archery Kodiak Magnum Bow 48#SKU: AJ0201_APVintage Bear Archery Kodiak Magnum recurve bow. This right handed bow is 60" long with a 48# draw weight. The riser is made from exotic Shedua wood. The limbs feature forest green glass with white glass limb tip overlays. The condition is good with some minor wear at the tips. SN: 8TID862 ...11% off$285$320
- "Worth the Pack" by Philip GoodwinSKU: KK0210Framed Philip Goodwin calendar print; 12 3/4" x 8 3/4". PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Minnesota, United StatesSIZE: 12 3/4" x 8 3/4"; Frame 14" x 9 1/2"38% off$250$400
- Pair Blue Wing Teal DecoysSKU: AJ0486_JDPair blue wing teal. Bottom stamped with the GAH logo. Original paint and glass eyes. Carved of balsam wood for hunting or decor. Life size. 12”L. PERIOD: ContemporaryORIGIN: Missouri, United StatesSIZE: 12"L38% off$250$400
- Wild Fowler Mallard Decoy PairSKU: AJ0492_JDWild Fowler mallard pair decoys. Bottom stamped. Made in Babylon, NY. 16”. PERIOD: ContemporaryORIGIN: New York, United StatesSIZE: 16"L56% off$175$400
- Drake Canvasback DecoySKU: AJ0490_JDDrake canvasback (red head?) decoy with tacked eyes, carver unknown. Appears to have hunter repaint. Full size. 14”. PERIOD: First Half 20th CenturyORIGIN: Wisconsin, United StatesSIZE: Full size 14”50% off$125$250
- Fishing SetSKU: AH0769Wooden tackle box made by and marked "Specialty Products Co. Grapaview, WA." Lift out drawer and bottom compartment. Brass corners and hardware. Salmon plugs, flashers and Pflueger #85 reel in box with special interest fishing license by Mrs. H. Green. Washington. Totals of salmon derby at Port ...74% off$450$1,700
- Mason Hen DecoySKU: AH0321_CJMason Detroit grade tack eyed hen decoy. Multiple coats of hunter paint. Used in Washington. Head loose. PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Michigan, United StatesSIZE: 14" x 7"25% off$150$200
- 1920s GogglesSKU: D10271920s driving goggles - motorcycle, car or plane. Made of pig skin. PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United States60% off$100$250
- Nebraska Sandhills Canada Goose DecoySKU: F5004Nebraska Sandhills Canada goose decoy. Canvas covered and straw filled. PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Nebraska, United StatesSIZE: Life size 24" x 16"64% off$250$700
- Decoy RigSKU: AG2048Hanging decorative decoy rig of miniatures. Two drakes and a hen mallard. 8" x 20" PERIOD: Late 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 8" x 20"60% off$300$750
- Pintail Drake DecoySKU: AG0489Pintail drake decoy with original paint. Carver unknown. Glass eyes, one missing. PERIOD: 19th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 18"50% off$225$450
- Canvasback Drake DecoySKU: AG0491Hunter carved and painted canvasback drake decoy with glass eyes. PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 17"50% off$150$300
- Bluebill Drake DecoySKU: AG0494Glass eyed bluebill drake decoy with hunter repaint and glass eyes. Probably by a Southern Mississippi factory. PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Mississippi, United StatesSIZE: 14"60% off$100$250
- Victor Miniature Mallard Decoy PairSKU: M142Pair of Victor miniature mallard decoys. Paper mache. Used as salesman samples. PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Ohio, United StatesSIZE: 5"L33% off$200$300
- Net with a Beaver TailSKU: Y436Native made, hand net used on the Snake. Handle shaped and carved as a beaver tail, hoop formed with willow and tied with sinew. 27” x 14” PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 27” x 14”33% off$300$450
- Shorebird DecoySKU: M332English shorebird decoy. Carver unknown. PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: England, EuropeSIZE: 12"H x 12 1/2"L20% off$400$500
- Animal Trap Drake Mallard DecoySKU: AG0488Animal Trap Co. drake mallard decoy with glass eyes. Probably Victor or Animal Trap Co. A decoy company that bought out Pratt in the mid-1930s. It was called Animal Trap where sometimes they interchanged the name with Victor. They moved the company down to Pascougla, MS. They moved the decoy co. ...60% off$100$250
- Miniature Canada Goose DecoySKU: Q161Miniature mounted Canada goose decoy. Carved by Tom Beramir PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 4 1/2"63% off$150$400
- Eastern Shorebird DecoySKU: L90Eastern shorebird silhouette decoy with pellet holes. Carver unknown PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: East, United StatesSIZE: 11 3/4"L x 12 1/4"H33% off$200$300
- Shorebird DecoySKU: X739Shorebird decoy on driftwood base. Unsigned. 14"L x 12"T PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 14"L x 12"T11% off$200$225
- Ward Williams Hen Mallard DecoySKU: R1025BHen mallard made in the Bunker Zinc Plant mine. 1920s – 30s, hollow carved by Ward Williams, painted by Don Bazaro using Pittsburgh paint. These two guys hunted together at Clarney Lake for over 50 years. Chips on head and tail from use. Noted on bottom "W.W." PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: ...50% off$150$300
Sale - Vintage Sporting
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