- Navajo SamplerSKU: AJ1671Navajo crystal/storm sampler. Two corners a little tight. 19" x 21" PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: Southwest - Navajo, Native AmericanSIZE: 19" x 21"25% off$300$400
- Navajo Four Panel SamplerSKU: AJ1670Navajo four panel sampler. 22" x 19". PERIOD: Late 20th CenturyORIGIN: Southwest - Navajo, Native AmericanSIZE: 22" x 19"20% off$400$500
- Lorenz Furtwangler & Sohne Grandfather ClockSKU: AJ1437_PJLorenz Furtwangler & Sohne grandfather clock. Features an LFS movement with a Deutches Reich Patent # 208878 issued in 1909 and Deutches Reich Patent # 142125 issued in 1901. Original clock face, hands, pendulum and weights. Chimes on the half hour and the hour. Mechanically functioning. ...14% off$3,000$3,500
- Northwest Coast Style Totem Northwest Coast Style Totem PoleSKU: D0308A non-Native reproduction of a Northwest Coast totem pole. Original selling price of "20" penciled on rough sawn base. Decorative piece. 21"H x 12"W PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: Indonesia, AsiaSIZE: 21"H x 12"W38% off$250$400
- Navajo CrystalSKU: AH1502Navajo Crystal dazzler weaving; 2'7" x 4'3". PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Southwest - Navajo, Native AmericanSIZE: 2'7" x 4'3"50% off$400$800
- Catholic Last Rites SetSKU: R100719th Century devotional Last Rites set depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph. PERIOD: 19th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 17"W x 20"H x 3 1/2"D67% off$400$1,200
- Chainsaw BearSKU: AJ1425_PJStanding chainsaw bear carved of one fir log in North Idaho. A few splits with age. Has been outside. 27"D base, 6'4"H This is a large or fragile item, so shipping will not calculate on our website. Please contact the Gallery at (208) 769-7575; info@ciscosgallery.com to get a shipping quote, or ...17% off$2,500$3,000
- Navajo DazzlerSKU: V143Navajo dazzler weaving of tapestry quality. 26" x 39" PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: Southwest - Navajo, Native AmericanSIZE: 26"x39"33% off$600$900
- Navajo TransitionalSKU: AH2037Navajo transitional weaving with pound thickness and soft merino wool. Very vibrant colors. A few stains one side only. 5'6" x 4'6" PERIOD: Late 19th CenturyORIGIN: Southwest - Navajo, Native AmericanSIZE: 5'6" x 4'6"29% off$2,500$3,500
- Blue Bill DecoySKU: AJ1338Blue Bill gunning decoy with glass eyes, one missing. Exceptional painted feathers. Assume hunter carved. Swinging weight intact. 12" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, CanadaSIZE: 12"33% off$200$300
- Eagle BookendsSKU: AH1614Pair of Alaskan carved Eagles by Amos Wallace, dated 1967, these are cast pieces by the Griffins Co. and are made of a resin/ plaster material and covered with heavy glaze and finish. Each bookend is nicely carved and depict a totem pole eagle/bird design. Each bookend measures 9.5" tall, 5.75" ...50% off$125$250
- Bluewing Teal Decoy by George BellSKU: AJ1331Bluewing teal decoy by George Bill. Signed on bottom "By George Bill Chrisfield, MD." Carved and decorative. Making a living on the bay as a waterman for five years, in the 90s George decided there must be something else he could do and started sanding decoys for Zack Ward, a relative of the ...50% off$150$300
- Whimsy Coin PouchSKU: X187Tuscarora made beaded whimsy coin pouch. Beaded with the same designs on both sides with drops. 4" x 2 1/2". PERIOD: Late 19th Century ORIGIN: Northeast - Iroquois, Native AmericanSIZE: 4" x 2 1/2"50% off$150$300
- Tarahumara FirestarterSKU: AH2071_SZComplete Tarahumara wooden firestarter kit. Made by the Tarahumara Indians of Copper Canyon, Northern Mexico. PERIOD: 20th CenturyORIGIN: Mexico, North AmericaSIZE: 22"L40% off$300$500
- "Grizzly Bear Chief" Ledger DrawingSKU: D1437_JOLedger on South Dakota ledger paper given as a gift to a South Dakota rancher from whom we aquired. Drawn in older style. Well framed and matted. 11" x 14" PERIOD: Last Half 20th CenturyORIGIN: South Dakota, United StatesSIZE: 11" x 14"; Frame 20" x 17"33% off$600$900
- Plateau Flat BagSKU: AE0885_AHPlateau flat bag with floral design one side and painted geometrics reverse. Fringe at bottom. PERIOD: Mid 20th CenturyORIGIN: Plateau - Unknown, Native AmericanSIZE: 8 ½” x 10 ½” plus fringe14% off$600$700
- Zuni Fetish NecklaceSKU: AJ1297_MDKZuni fetish necklace with 15 turquoise turtles (enhanced), strung on small heishe with sterling clasp. PERIOD: Late 20th CenturyORIGIN: Southwest - Zuni, Native AmericanSIZE: 28"L Turtles Approx. 7/8" each43% off$200$350
- Sioux DollSKU: AJ1467Sioux made doll of brain tanned deer hide and grandmothers hair. Beaded accessories and facial features. Made for own use. PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Great Plains - Sioux, Native AmericanSIZE: 8 1/2"33% off$600$900
- Navajo Child's BlanketSKU: J1000INavajo Germantown child's blanket. Numerous almost undetectable difference in pattern (intentional), ethnographic wear, as found. Makes a great display. 30" x 22" PERIOD: Late 19th Century ORIGIN: Southwest - Navajo, Native AmericanSIZE: 30" x 22"67% off$800$2,400
- M. Hohner HarmonicaSKU: AJ0994_KKM. Hohner hermonica with marine band no. 1896. Like new in box with instructions. 4" x 1" x 3/4" PERIOD: First Half 20th CenturyORIGIN: Germany, EuropeSIZE: 4" x 1" x 3/4"50% off$100$200
- Three Figure YeiSKU: AH0307Three figure Yei with soft marino wool. Minor dye runs. 35" x 18" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Southwest - Navajo, Native AmericanSIZE: 35" x 18"50% off$350$700
- Pink Stone Cross PendantSKU: B0589HUnique pink stone cross pendant with feathers on all four points. May be rhodonite or pink coral. Signed on back "RANCHO," PERIOD: Last Half 20th CenturyORIGIN: Mexico, North AmericaSIZE: 3" x 2"50% off$100$200
- Gunning DecoySKU: AJ1334Carved balsa wood gunning decoy from the Northeast. Carver unknown. Assume hunter carved. 15" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Northeast, United StatesSIZE: 15"50% off$125$250
- Desktop Watch HolderSKU: AJ1391Desktop watch holder with on wood and marble base. Art Deco watch holder with bronze buffalo head and hanging watch West Clock. 8 1/2" x 3" x 5 1/2" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Idaho, United StatesSIZE: 8 1/2" x 3" x 5 1/2"33% off$500$750
- Cisco's Adirondack Bedroom SetSKU: AJ1427_PJCisco's Adirondack bedroom set of birch, logs and twig work. Queen size bed 76"W, include headboard only. Two matching bedside cabinets of same material and design with drawers having antler handles 19"D x 24"W x 27"H. Matching four drawer dresser with antler handles 38"W x 19"D x 42"H. Selling ...17% off$10,000$12,000
- Cherokee BasketSKU: AE0394Cherokee rivercane and walnut basket in shopping basket form with a handle having alternating dyed weavers. 7"H x 8"D with Handle 12 1/2" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Southeast - Cherokee, Native AmericanSIZE: 7"H x 8"D with Handle 12 1/2"50% off$300$600
- Buffalo Desk PieceSKU: AJ1390Desk piece with bronze buffalo inkwell. Pen holder mounted on two tier marble base. 6" x 10" x 6" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Unknown, United StatesSIZE: 6" x 10" x 6"44% off$500$900
- Navajo CrystalSKU: AG1773Navajo Crystal of blacks, grays and whites. Edges bound in black. Some brown warps. A heavy rug weight. 3'9" x 5'9" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Southwest - Navajo, Native AmericanSIZE: 3'9" x 5'9"33% off$2,000$3,000
- Desert Scene by R.J. HockenberrySKU: AJ1380Desert Scene by R. J. Hockenberry. Watercolor, framed and matted. 8” x 10”, frame 17” x 14” In the 1950s R.J. Hockenberry worked in the movie industry, theater and opera prop painting. He behind the scenes at Disney quietly painting visual backgrounds for the animation characters, later ...75% off$100$400
- Gunning DecoySKU: AJ1339Carved and painted gunning decoy (bluebill?). Came from a Northeast collection. Carver unknown. Much used. 12" PERIOD: Early 20th CenturyORIGIN: Northeast, United StatesSIZE: 12"50% off$125$250
Sale Items
The items on sale do not necessarily reflect fair market value, but rather a discounted price. They are a combination of “lost leaders”, discontinued lines, and estates that are being liquidated with an end date. They are items priced below market value, mostly for beginning and intermediate collectors or decorators/designers.