Salesman sample six horse team with plow, restored to original condition.
The six horse team with plow was a true salesman sample that was used and displayed in the factory window of the famous Harpham Brothers Saddlery and Harness Shop located at 8th & "P" Street; Lincoln, Nebraska. The store was established around 1900 in Lincoln and known for high quality. They made and sold some of the finest saddles, harnesses and related horse accoutrements for that time in history. They remained in business for nearly half a century and closed in the late "40s." This piece was purchased at the store closure and has remained with a Nebraska family ever since. The piece was known about but just acquired in 1997. Noted on the front "made for the Horse Association of America by the Boyt Co. Des Moines, Iowa."
There is also a chart stenciled onto the wood:
"HOW THE HITCH WORKS - You will notice that each horse is evened up against all the rest, causing each to do his full share of work and no more. The leaders only are driven with the lines by the driver, the horses in the rear being kept in position and under absolute control with Lead Chains and by …. Thus when the leaders start the Lead Chains instantly start those behind. When the leader stop the rest stop instantly because the Buck Rein snapped to their bit is also attached to the implement; they cannot pull their load with their mouths."
"SOME OF ITS ADVANTAGES - the advantage of this six team is each horse walks straight ahead with plenty of room and air and no loss of power by side draft. Actual tests show the same five horses on the same plow will turn an acre more per day with the multiple hitch than with the usual method of hitching. The horses will be less tired at night, also the driver. The system enables yours horses to work about as easily in hot weather as any other time. Notice, because of the perfect flexibility of the evener that they tip at an angle which makes each trace pull at the exact angle of draft to suit each horse's collar, eliminating sore shoulders. The horses are easier to handle and any size team from 4 - 40 horses can be assembled; the leaders only being driven by the driver with one pair of lines."
"LESS TIME IN GETTING STARTED TO THE FIELD - Multiple hitch farmers are finding they can easily harness eight horses in 15 minutes and they can be led to the field all at one time. They can hitch them to the implement in four minutes - can unhitch them in three minutes. The time has been bettered by many."
" FASTER WORK WITH LESS HIRED HELP - CROPS PRODUCED AT LOWER COSTS - Because one man can easily handle any number of horses required on any large implement, with one pair of lines by the new multiple hitch, he can do most of the field work on the average farm from 1 - 400 acres. Big team hitch users are getting such jobs as plowing, disking, harrowing, and harvesting done for almost half the cost and producing grain at less per bushel than any other known method. No loss in yields from rolling or packing down the land."
"MORE POWER UNDER ONE MANS CONTROL - MORE TIMELY AND BETTER WORK - a six horse multiple hitch team can develop 60 draw bar horse power in emergency - can work all day exerting ten draw bar horse power. A 12 horse outfit twice that much. Because of this tremendous working and reserve power, a better job of plowing and work is done. Regardless of mud, sand or unfavorable weather conditions, you can always pull the implement, which is not always possible with other forms of power."
"ANY SIZE POWER UNIT TO SUIT THE JOB - The multiple hitch horse farmer isn't put to the extra expense of using his entire outfit on small two and three horse jobs, because he has a flexible power unit that can be divided up to exactly suit the job required, with no implement over powered or under powered."
"PRODUCED ENTIRELY ON THE FARM REDUCES SURPLUSES - RAISES FARM PRICES - both the horses and the food they consume are produced entirely on the farm, thus furnishing an important market for field crops, which if added to our present crop surpluses, would cut the farm income way below it's present levels. Thus the use of horses with the multiple hitch, enables you to get your work done, easier, quicker, cheaper and better with less labor than any other way. At the same time the price of everything you sell is kept at a higher level, making your farm power really cost you nothing, and the fertilizer value is such that the horse farmer, like the stock farmer, is building up his farm instead of rolling down his land."
"SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED - very little special equipment is required for these hitches and is not expensive but experience has shown that only the best and strongest equipment should be used. The special evener should be built extra strong of either oak or other tough wood. They should be steel plated which gives them the extra strength required, and enables the drilling of several holes for a quick changing from one hitch to another. The special steel forged clevises and rings much be extra strong and should be made of 5/8" material. They must not let loose. The buck reins must be strong enough to prevent an unbroken horse from jumping through them and should be easily and quickly adjustable. The lead chains should be long enough to lap back on one end with heavy bull snaps that will not break. The lines and line lengtheners to the leaders must not be weak and worn out because they control the entire team."
This is a large or fragile item, so shipping will not calculate on our website. Please contact the Gallery at (208) 769-7575; to get a shipping quote, or to purchase.
PERIOD: Early 20th Century
ORIGIN: Nebraska, United States