Pit river hand woven basketry bowl with geometric designs.Pit River is one of the eleven bands of indigenous peoples of California. They primarily live along the Pit River in the northeast corner of California. This region includes the Cascade ranges east of the Klamath Mountains, which include Mt. Shasta; major rivers including the Pit and McCloud Rivers. East of the Cascades are the Modoc Plateau and the Great Basin which extends into Nevada. The Pit River tribe's basketry was typically made in a twined style and often used willow rods, bear grass and maidenhair fern. Pit River is one of the eleven bands of indigenous peoples of California. They primarily live along the Pit River in the northeast corner of California. This region includes the Cascade ranges east of the Klamath Mountains, which include Mt. Shasta; major rivers including the Pit and McCloud Rivers. East of the Cascades are the Modoc Plateau and the Great Basin which extends into Nevada. The Pit River tribe's basketry was typically made in a twined style and often used willow rods, bear grass and maidenhair fern. 4 1/2" x 7 1/2"
PERIOD: Early 20th Century
ORIGIN: Unknown, Native American