Humorous Fishing Series "Off to a Bad Start". Unsigned but included, is a calendar from the Shaw Barton Calendar Co., noting painting by Berran; came along with seven signed paintings. Oil on board; 20" x 24". Continuation of the humorous fishing series started by Hy Hintermeister, from the archives of Shaw Barton (calendar) Co., used for an early calendar print.Berran studied at the Art Student's League in NYC (1945-1950) under the G.I. Bill with well-known artists, including Arnold Bank, Howard Trafton and Frank Reilly.
After leaving "the League," Berran followed his friend Jimmy Bama, to 20th Century Fox in NYC where he painted movie posters on a freelance basis for 4 years. He then joined "The Illustrator's Group" where the artists were predominately from the "Haddon Sundblom" school of painting. At "The Illustrator's Group" Berran had the opportunity to learn from Jack Wittrup, his mentor, as well as Nick Hufford, Bob Skemp, Al Kortner and Vic Livoti. The work done at "The Illustrator's Group" was for prestigious advertising clients, including Ford and Coca-Cola. Robert also worked for other art studios like Ross Art, Chate and Shaw-Barton Calendar House. In 1969, met Barbara Bertoli, the Art Director at Avon Books, and began to paint paperback book covers. He went on to work for Ballantine, Harlequin, Regency Romance among others. He joined Joe Mendola around 1972 and worked with Mendola's 17 years; mostly painting paperback book covers and advertising art. After Mendola's, he was represented by Hankins/Tegenborg Representatives and was with them for almost 11 years. In 1995, Robert joined Reproducta/Quadriga Art where he continues to paint religious artwork to this day.
PERIOD: Late 20th Century
ORIGIN: Wisconsin, United States