(1924-1972) Acrylic; 8" x 10". Her painting, "The embodiment of the painted woman — Sunrise Ceremonies" was the cover of Arizona Highway’s July 1972 issue. Poko Petek attended many sunrise ceremonies and felt deeply the essential impact of the Native dances, which remain a rich legacy. "Those of us who knew her were lucky to have had her touch our lives. . .always in beauty. . .always with dignity and love for her work and the people she portrayed. " Well-listed, southwest regionalist artist. Exhibited at AZ State Fair, Rosequist Galleries, Tucson Mission Galleries Taos, Martin Galleries Scottsdale, American Embassy Tokyo, Heard Museum Phoenix, Hartford Foundation, Santa Monica. Currently represented in a large collection held by the Valley National Bank at Phoenix. Well framed.
PERIOD: Mid 20th Century
ORIGIN: Arizona, United States