Mixed early 19th and early 20th Century Native trade bead necklace from the Portland, Oregon area. Overall, in very good and wearable condition. This northwest coast Indian trade bead necklace is made up of 19th Century cobalt and clears, and early 20th Century brass, whitehearts, cobalt and abalone. Necklace 24", pendant 3". Ex. Hank Johnson Collection.
Hank Johnson was a geologist, and passionate collector of historical and ancient artifacts. Starting with relics and bottles from ghost towns, he later focused on Anasazi pottery and Pre-Columbian. He worked with the Denver Art Museum to verify authenticity, building a respected reputation in the collecting community. View the entire Hank Johnson Collection under Special Collections “Johnson.”
PERIOD: Early 20th Century
ORIGIN: Unknown, Native American
SIZE: Necklace 24", pendant 3"