Mandan split horn single trailer style headdress. Styled after an 1830 single trailer ermine bonnet worn by Chief Mato-Tope. With painted feathers.
Only the most prestigious and revered leaders of the Mandan were allowed to wear horns on their bonnets. Ermine crown bonnets were symbols of tribal leadership as the ermine was indicative of success in battle. The single trailer of golden eagle tail feathers (awarded coup feathers) also represented warrior leadership. Chief Mato-Tope was the second chief of the Mandan and was responsible for warrior society memberships. Karl Bodmer painted a famous picture of Chief Mato-Tope wearing this bonnet. 7' feet from tip of horns to bottom of Trailer
PERIOD: Contemporary
ORIGIN: Idaho, United States
SIZE: 7' feet from tip of horns to bottom of Trailer