M1874 McClellan U.S. Calvary saddle. The saddle features a wonderfully and professionally crafted wood and leather construction that features a iconic McClellan traditional design to this saddle that shows a dark brown to black coloration ot the leather and shows brass adornments with rings featured on the back of the high back seat and shows a plaque on the inside of the swells of the saddle that reads: 12 inch seat. The McClellan saddle was a riding saddle designed by George B. McClellan, after his tour of Europe as the member of a military commission charged with studying the latest developments in engineer and cavalry forces including field equipment. Based on his observations, McClellan proposed a design that was adopted by the Army in 1859. The McClellan saddle was a success and continued in use in various forms until the US Army's last horse cavalry and horse artillery was dismounted late in World War II.
PERIOD: Unknown
ORIGIN: Texas, United States
SIZE: 26" x 19" x 14 1/2", 12" seat