Kwakwaka'wakw thunderbird and Sisiutl model pole by master carver Ernie Henderson. A beautifully sculpted model pole by the late Kwakwaka'wakw master carver, Ernie Henderson. The pole features a thunderbird that has a white undercoat of paint and bold black and green designs. The thunderbird’s wings are pegged-in at an angle so that it creates a lot of movement within the sculpture and gives the pole a depth that many model poles do not possess. Beneath the thunderbird is a Sisiutl, or three-headed sea serpent, an important crest of the Kwakwaka'wakw, depicted here with the central head at the top and the pair of serpent faces lacing in underneath it. The pole is carved in dense, old red cedar and is mounted on an octagonal base that is clearly signed by Henderson. Ernie Henderson was an important master carver who was the patriarch of the Kwakwaka'wakw Henderson family of carvers, and the father of the current generation of Henderson artists. 18"H x 11"W
PERIOD: Mid 20th Century
ORIGIN: Northwest - Unknown, Native American