Gun Barrel Flute Husis Owyeen (Wounded Head) killed two cavalry soldiers at the Battle of the Bear Paw on the second morning. He took their guns and horses. One rifle was made into a flute. The rifle was a .45/.70 Spencer. We assume that one was not usable as the barrel was cut off, and in Sitting Bull's camp made into a flute. It was then passed down in the family where we acquired it from Kol-Kol-Tse-Moogge-To-Lo-En (Raven Playing In The Soot of Fire). The case was made of brain tanned elk skin by his mother at a later date.
Brass bell marked "B/10." Acquired at Camas Meadows, Idaho when General Howard made camp. The Nez Perce orchestrated a horse raid. Peo-Peo-Tho=Lelkt was was the leader as none of the warriors/braves wanted to be first. He went himself and took this bell before the horses/mules were stampeded out of camp.There were about 200 with a value to Howard of over $8000. Mostly mules, they had to regroup. Passed down in the family where we acquired from Kol-Kol-Tse-Moogge-To-Lo-En (Raven Playing in the Soot of Fire). 3 1/2"
Nez Perce Time on a String - string of life. Knotted and beaded by Penahwenonmi (Helping Another), wife of húusus 'ewyíin (Husis Owyeen, Wounded Head, 1825-1906). Both were on Chief Joseph's March. Six knots and then a small blue bead represented weeks, the red beads representing death, others are not known. Have not unwound to measure. With original carrying pouch. We acquired from the Great Grandson. The only other one known to exist is in the small Spalding Collection, but much smaller. Women from the Yakama Native American tribe used strings of hemp as personal diaries. Each major event in their life was represented by a knot, a bead or a shell. Possibly for courtship, marriage and private memories. Often these were buried with the woman. In time, as the ball grew, women would sometimes divide the twine into 25 year lengths to make it more manageable. When the women were very old, they could use the knots and beads of their time balls to recall not only what happened in their lives but when the events occurred. They could easily recount when their children were born, when they moved and other life experiences. This mnemonic device is simply a time ball. Each string is a different event. Pouch 7" x 3"D Have not Unwound for Length.
Sioux catlinite carved T pipe bag and council pipe acquired directly from the Nez Perce family of húusus 'ewyíin (Husis Owyeen, Wounded Head, 1825-1906). Penahwenonmi (Helping Another), wife of húusus 'ewyíin Both were on Chief Joseph’s March. Heavily smoked. Acquired at Bear Paw 1877. A Nez Perce youth became a warrior/man and was given the name Husis Hih. At the Battle of the Clearwater he was wounded in the head and given the name Husis Owyenn (Wounded Head). In the Battle of Bear Paw there were many tribes involved to capture the Nez Perce including Sioux, Crow, Cheyenne and Apache. Their reward was five of the Nez Perce horse herd, which were the best in the Northwest. Wounded Head came upon a Cheyenne Warrior who shot a Nez Perce lady and then shot him. He took his pipe bag and council pipe (Sioux). He was unable to take the gun or other weapons as they were under the dead horse. These came directly from the Great Grandson on the Nez Perce Reservation. Pipe Bag Beaded Panel 7" x 7"; 24" x 7" Plus 6" quilled slats and 12" brain tanned fringe; pipe 8" x 4" quilled stem with mallard neck 23" overall 31"
Nez Perce child’s cradleboard by Penahwenonmi (Helping Another), wife of húusus 'ewyíin (Husis Owyeen, Wounded Head, 1825-1906). Both were on Chief Joseph’s March. Brain tanned deer skin. Simple and used. Came directly from the family. 6 1/2" x 3"
Nez Perce parfleche by PenahNenonmi (Helping Another), wife of Husis Owyeen (Wounded Head, 1825-1906). Husis and PenahNenonmi were on Chief Joseph’s March. Came directly from the family. Never used, as holes were not punched, or ties added. 14" x 25"
PERIOD: 19th Century
ORIGIN: Plateau - Nez Perce, Native American