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Used and Abused Boot Jacks of the West

Used and Abused Boot Jacks of the West
A boot jack is a handy contraption for hands-free removal of boots. It consists
of a V or U-shaped mouth that grips the heel of the boot and a flat tang on which the other foot is placed for weight and balance.  Boot jacks save the wearer from bending over and allow for the swift and easy removal of dirty footwear.

Vintage Boot Jacks
We can’t be sure how far boot jacks go back in history.  Early forms were made of hand-carved wood and were used in almost every ranch and bunkhouse in the West.  By the early 1900s, cast iron was the popular material, with brass used on occasion.  During WWI, simple forms were used by the military to pull off muddy riding boots.

Between 1852 and 1995, over 200 designs of boot jacks were patented in the United States, many of which were made with slogans or brand names as advertising tools.  Most boot jacks were not marked with the maker’s name or date of manufacture, so it’s hard to tell when and where they were made.
The risqué “Naughty Nellie” was a popular design, as were hearts, crickets, beetles and steer heads. 

Antique Western Boot Jacks
And there are dozens more!  Cisco’s has one of the largest collections of Naughty Nellies as well as a wide selection of rancher-made and cast iron examples.  Click here to view our complete collection of these fascinating and functional pieces of history.
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