Bronze Sculptures by Robert Scriver

Robert M. Scriver was born on the Blackfeet Reservation in Browning, Montana. His rural upbringing in cowboy and Blackfeet Indian country influenced his life and inspired his work. This area, adjacent to Glacier National Park, epitomizes the rugged individual idealism which came to characterize the West. In addition to being an avid hunter, trapper and taxidermist, Scriver was a sculptor who knew and carried on the realistic, storytelling traditions of Frederic Remington and Charles Russell.
Scriver specialized in western subjects, but it is more accurate to associate him with the American Beaux Arts-educated sculptors who became prominent at the turn of the 19th century. His first efforts were small inexpensive souvenir wildlife figurines cast in plaster and air-brushed in natural colors. A parallel career in taxidermy and a fondness for hunting supported the increasingly accurate portrayals of these animals. In the early Sixties he began to send bronzes to New York shows earning him membership in the National Sculpture Society, the Salmagundi Club, the Society of Animal Artists and other prestigious groups. Scriver was invited to join the Cowboy Artists of America and the Academy of Western Art. In both groups he won top prizes. His bronzes show action and energy unlike most others. He was prolific with small additions and highly detailed with horse gear, Native American regalia and wildlife. Scriver’s 33 pieces of the "Rodeo in Bronze" series sold to the Riveredge Foundation in Alberta for more than a quarter of a million dollars.
Scriver remained in Montana until he passed away in 1999. He did several series of sculptures including 33 works of the Rodeo and 53 pieces tracing the history of the Blackfeet Indians. He was a collector of so much cowboy and Indian memorabilia that after his death, several auctions of these items were held. His widow, Lorraine, has given the Montana Historical Society some 800 bronzes and other works appraised at over $15 million. Smaller pieces of his remaining art were auctioned with approximately 190 bidders bringing $1.03 million.
With a few exceptions, all Scriver bronzes have been cast out. Occasionally a few become available from time to time in the secondary market. Cisco's has an extensive collection of Robert Scriver limited bronze sculptures. Click here to view are complete collection!